Experience Our Voice Collection

Discover our curated selection of premium AI voices, each crafted to bring your content to life



























Powerful Features

Transform your content creation process with our advanced AI-powered tools


Text to Speech

Instantly turn your text into lifelike, studio-quality voiceovers with advanced AI voices. Perfect for creators who want professional results without hiring voice talent..


Speech to Text

Save hours by converting audio and video files into accurate text. Ideal for analyzing top-performing content, extracting hooks, or repurposing scripts with ease.


YouTube Transcription

Unlock hidden insights by generating precise video transcripts. Perfect for discovering winning keywords, optimizing scripts, and improving your content strategy.

Unlock Your Creative Potential

Transform your content with our all-in-one audio toolkit! From premium, human-like voices for videos, audiobooks, and podcasts to time-saving transcription tools, we streamline your workflow and help your creations shine.

💰 Save Big

Reduce costs by replacing expensive voice-over artists. Our professional-grade voices are cost-effective, giving you high quality without breaking the bank.

⏰ Save Time

Generate voiceovers or transcriptions in seconds. No more waiting on voice artists or manual transcription—speed up your content production.

🗨️ Realistic Human Voices

Lifelike voices that resonate with your audience. Perfect for narrations, ads, or any content requiring human-like delivery.

🚀 Viral Hooks from YouTube

Discover viral hooks for your content by using our quick YouTube transcription tool. Extract the best video hooks from competitors and use SpeechGen to give them a unique voice!

🌟 Boost Engagement

Increase your reach with content that sounds professional and engaging. Your audience will love it, and so will your analytics.

🌐 Multilingual Voice Support

Reach global audiences with voiceovers and transcriptions in multiple languages, expanding your content’s impact worldwide.


Choose the plan that's best for you

Starter (Monthly)


Billed Monthly

50,000 Tokens Per Month

Access to 6 Voices

  • Text to Speech
  • Transcribing (Speech to Text)
  • Voice Cloning (Coming Soon)
  • Youtube Transcriptions
  • No Premium Voices
  • Basic Support

Creator (Monthly)


Billed Monthly

100,000 Tokens Per Month

Access to 40 Premium Voices

  • Text to Speech
  • Transcribing (Speech to Text)
  • Voice Cloning (Coming Soon)
  • Youtube Transcriptions
  • Premium Voices
  • Priority Support

Business (Monthly)


Billed Monthly

200,000 Tokens Per Month

Access to 40 Premium Voices

  • Text to Speech
  • Transcribing (Speech to Text)
  • Voice Cloning (Coming Soon)
  • Youtube Transcriptions
  • Premium Voices
  • Priority Support

Experience the Future of Audio Creation

Our audio toolkit empowers you to craft high-quality audio in minutes. From lifelike voices to perfectly transcribed hooks, we"ve got everything you need. Try Speechimo for free and transform your faceless content today!

Get Started

Frequently asked questions

What types of content can I enhance with this text-to-speech tool?
Our tool is versatile enough to support a wide range of content types, including but not limited to YouTube videos, TikTok clips, podcasts, audiobooks, and e-learning materials.
How natural do the AI-generated voices sound?
We pride ourselves on the natural quality of our AI voices. They are designed to emulate human intonation and emotion closely, providing a listening experience that is both engaging and authentic.
Can I customize the voice to match my brand or project?
At the moment, customization of the voice settings, such as pitch or speed, is not available. However, you can select from a range of voices to find one that fits your brand or project. We're working on adding more customization features in the near future.
Is it possible to use this tool for different languages?
Yes, our text-to-speech tool automatically recognizes and supports multiple languages, making it effortless to cater to a global audience. Whether you're inputting text or using voice for speech-to-text, our AI seamlessly handles various languages.
How do I get started with creating my own text-to-speech audio?
Getting started is simple. Just sign up for an account, type in or upload your text, choose your preferred voice, and our tool will generate the audio for you.
Are there any limitations on the length of the text I can convert?
Our tool can handle both short and long-form text, but for the best performance and quality, we recommend dividing very lengthy texts into manageable sections.
Can I use the generated audio commercially?
Yes, the audio produced by our tool can be used for commercial purposes, whether it's for audiobooks, commercial videos, or any other project.
How quickly can I generate speech from my text?
Our text-to-speech conversion is fast and efficient, allowing you to produce audio files in just a few clicks, depending on the length of your text.
Is there a way to test the tool before I commit to a subscription?
Sure, we offer a free plan you can use to test all the features of our tool to see if it fits your needs.
What kind of support do you offer if I run into issues?
We provide comprehensive support through our Help Center available on the platform. If you have any questions or need assistance, you can easily reach out to us there, and our customer service team will be eager to help you with timely and effective solutions.

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